Tongue Tied: by Jason Heffler

Jason Heffler's Tongue Tied is a charming children's book that gently introduces young readers to the challenges of stuttering. Through the endearing character of Cadence the chameleon, the story offers a compassionate and informative look at a common speech difficulty. With adorable illustrations and a heartwarming plot, Tongue Tied is more than just a story; it's a tool for teaching empathy and understanding.

A picture of the book Tongue Tied. It has illustrations of birds, a frog, a butterfly, a cricket, and the main character, a chameleon who tongue is used to display the word tied.

Front cover of Tongue Tied.

Page one of Tongue Tied


Teaching Empathy

Children will learn empathy and acceptance with Cadence's experiences, gaining a deeper understanding of what it feels like to face challenges that are not always easy to see.


Overcoming challenges

The interaction between Cadence and Chirp offers a valuable teaching opportunity for children. It demonstrates the power of empathy, kindness, and acceptance. By highlighting Chirp's supportive role, educators can encourage children to be understanding and inclusive of their peers who may face challenges.

Back Cover of Tongue Tied


This book was a wonderful read and beautifully illustrated. It demonstrates the importance of being kind and patient. You never know what someone is going through.

You can buy Jason’s book here


Disclosure: This review is based on a book I personally purchased. I was not paid or otherwise compensated for this review.


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