March: Gillz2113
This March, I'm honored to feature the work of an inspirational Instagram photographer, Gillz2113. Sharing their love of cars and passion for photography, we’ll be taking a peek at some of their work. You’ll see some awesome pictures of cars with a unique twist. Print outs on Polaroids.
One particular video that resonated with me was Gillz2113's capture of a police officer and their patrol car. The video beautifully documented the photographer's interaction with the officer, culminating in a heartwarming gesture - gifting the officer a Polaroid of him with his cruiser.
I’ve worked with many officers and volunteered with Families Behind the Badge Children’s Foundation. A Philadelphia-based non-profit dedicated to supporting the families of fallen and critically injured first responders.
That Polaroid is more than just a photo. As they say “A picture’s worth 1000 words”. I feel that the officer and their family will appreciate that photo for years to come. We don’t have long on this earth and it can be shorter for first responders.
Photography allows us to capture a memory in a moment and allow us to cherish and honor those we hold dear in our lives.
I’m glad I came across Gillz2113’s video and that they allowed me to feature them/their work.
It’s the small acts of kindness we do for others that makes the biggest difference in the world.
If you want to see cool pictures of cars, check out his Instagram, TikTok and subscribe to his YouTube channel!
Thank you Gillz2113 for allowing me to feature you.
This is not a paid post/review.
*All photos are owned by Gillz2113. I do not own the rights to any photos/videos, and received permission from Gillz2113 to feature his work.*